My life is evolving....
Spending extensive time with Gurus, in Ashrams, on pilgrimages, and in India has deepened my understanding of the vital role spiritual teachers play in one’s spiritual journey. This realization made me see that, as a healer and spiritual coach, I could not offer my clients everything I wished to share.
Now, as a preacher and Guru Ma, Kirtida Nandini Ma, I have stepped into a new chapter, dedicated to teaching about the Collective, God, and Bhakti Yoga. While I will continue to offer healing sessions, I feel the need for a different platform to convey higher revelations.
Exciting things are in the works! Soon, I will be sharing my first preaching videos on a dedicated website, and if all goes well, I will also release a mantra music video. Stay tuned for these upcoming offerings!
When we seek a deeper purpose in material life, beyond fleeting pleasures and endless tasks,we awaken the guiding presence of God within us. As Paramatma, Supersoul, Paramatma Vishnu, or Kshirodakashayi Vishnu (call Him as you prefer), He not only guides us along our karmic path but also, through His grace, continually strives to help us understand the way back to Godhead. Since not all of us are adept at hearing His inner guidance or closely following our intuition, God sends Gurus to reveal the right path to His devotees. Just as my teachers helped me reach my spiritual goals, and just as Paramatma, the Brahman, Radha, Krishna, Sita, Ram, Lakshmi, Narayana, Prajapati, and many other divine forms guided me even further, I now feel ready to share my knowledge and blessings with the world. May this effort contribute to making the world a better place, healing the collective consciousness across generations. Please pray for me, that I may carry out this mission properly and successfully.
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What my spiritual blessings do
My blessings are a powerful, transformative force that accelerates spiritual growth, saving countless incarnations by rapidly clearing karmic burdens and aligning individuals with their highest divine potential.
Rapid Spiritual Advancement
My blessings significantly speed up the spiritual path, allowing seekers to progress in ways that would normally take lifetimes.
Divine Purification & Energy Alignment
I remove deep-seated energetic blockages, karmic imprints, and ancestral burdens, creating a clear pathway for divine realization.
Profound Divine Feelings
Those who receive my blessings experience elevated states of consciousness, deep inner peace, and a stronger connection to the divine.
Deeper Mantra Chanting & Divine Activation
My blessings help individuals go much deeper when chanting the holy names of God. They purify and open the inner being, allowing for a more profound experience of divine presence and devotion.
Activation of God’s Presence in the Person
Through my blessings, the presence of God within the person is awakened and strengthened. This activation enhances divine guidance, making it easier for individuals to recognize and follow the will of the Supreme.
Siddhi Transmission
For those who take my initiation, spend significant time with me, and deeply learn from me, I can transfer my siddhis.. such as the ability to see energy, feel it, and hear the names of divine feelings, good qualities, and souls who have the same qualities I’m feeling or healing.
Receiving & Expanding Blessing Power
The purpose of spending extensive time with me and taking initiation is to receive the same or even greater power of divine blessings. Through grace, those who truly dedicate themselves can become vessels of divine transformation, empowering them to uplift and bless their own followers.
Collective Blessings & Existential Evolution
My work is not only for individuals but also purifies and uplifts the consciousness of all existence, bringing divine transformation on a universal scale.
Incredible Collective Blessing Power
My disciples can also gain my exceptionally strong collective blessing power, allowing them to work not only on individuals but on the healing and elevation of entire groups, communities, and even the whole existence.
Direct Divine Connection
Unlike many spiritual practices that depend on external beings or entities, my blessings come directly from the purest divine source, ensuring the highest integrity and spiritual authenticity.
This path is for those who seek deep transformation, liberation from karmic cycles, and the awakening of their divine gifts so that they, in turn, can guide and bless others on a collective and existential scale.

What I am not..
On head over heart person
I am not a Pandit or a scriptural scholar—and I don’t need to be. My path is not about memorizing texts or excessive intellectual study. In my experience, too much focus on the mental aspect of religion can be more harmful than helpful. Instead, I emphasize prayer, mantra chanting, singing kirtan, energy work, altar seva and prasadam, visiting temples, pilgrimage and divine blessings in vision, which have been incredibly transformative for me. I encourage my followers to focus on these aspects as well.
God has given me an important and much-needed mission: to heal the collective consciousness effectively. For many years, I carried out this work quietly, and I am deeply fulfilled by the results. Recently, I also received the divine instruction to establish a new Guru lineage. One that creates scholars of divine grace in a new spiritual movement, free from outdated, rigid thought systems, caste discrimination, racism, and anti-feminism.
The deepest wisdom does not come from intellectual knowledge alone, it comes from experience and direct revelation from God. I do not follow the traditional method of studying scriptures. Instead, I listen intuitively, occasionally engaging with spiritual classes or books, but rarely reading them cover to cover. When I reflect on written texts, I focus on their energetic essence, the visions they reveal, and the inner truth they awaken within me.
I don’t need to memorize everything. First, because I am fully dedicated to collective healing, chanting, seva, and spiritual work. Second, because scriptural interpretations vary across different traditions. And third, because the essence of divine truth already resides within me. Knowledge unfolds naturally through classes, chanting, teaching, and blessing—it does not need to be forced through memorization. This is how I learn, and this is how I share my teachings.
A Celibacy and Sannyas preacher
I am not a preacher of forced celibacy or sannyas. I have a spiritual soul at my side who I love deeply, and we support each other in our spiritual seva. I trust the words of Mahaprabhu that sannyas is not meant for Kali Yuga. Suppressing sexual energyes, pecially in an age where it arises naturally, can lead to distorted behaviors, emotional suppression, or even harm.
History has shown the dangers of extreme celibacy vows:
- Many Christian priests have been involved in child abuse scandals.
- The Christian Church has faced mass sex scandals.
- ISKCON has also had disturbing cases of abuse.
- Many so-called sannyasi gurus secretly have relationships, hidden girlfriends, or even cheat on their wives.
- Others interfere in their followers’ relationships, causing emotional harm.
This cycle has caused deep trauma for many devotees. It is wrong to tell a man to leave his wife for the sake of spiritual advancement, it is an offense against women, who often play a crucial role in a man’s spiritual growth.
That said, if someone naturally transcends sexual desire through personal experience and effective techniques, without suppressing it forcefully, I respect that path. But I will never encourage forced celibacy, as my realization is that romantic love is higher and more beneficial on the spiritual path than celibacy.

Guidelines for serious spiritual growth
In return to what I offer you I request you to do a few things that actually are presents to yourself too and not only to me. This because every serious Guru and Guru Ma asks this from his/her disciples and because it is needed to allow your spiritual progress. This things I also naturally did and so now you please also accept them humbly.
- Prefer a vegatarian or vegan diet. Stop killing for eating Meat and Fish. Animals are sensitive beings that need our protection. Ahimsa is needed if you want me as your trial and then later as your initiation Guru. Meat and fish keeps down your spiritual energy a lot. And as a spiritual teacher I heal big amounts of your bad karma, but if you continue to create masses of bad karma by eating animals, which is strictly forbidden by Krishna in the Vedic scriptures, and by me.. then I can’t help you enough.
- Avoid drugs as drugs put your mental health at serious risk and because it can change your personality towards narcisism and it attracts ghosts in your energy field.
- Avoid being drunk and with time avoid drinking alcool at all. Also here there is a higher risk of letting ghosts entering your system.
- Don’t risk your money with gambling.
- Try to improve your moral standards, work on your shadows, don’t live a bypass spirituality.
- Don’t play with the hearts of others, for your own enjoyment. Try to take love life seriously and prefere long lasting relationships to short enjoyments. If you struggle with this ask me for instructions and healings.
- Try to dress properly. Don’t show too much of your more sensual parts of the body, at least when in a spiritual group or when with your guru. You are now starting a new life, you are showing God that you are serious about your spiritual decisions.
- Do seva, service to God and the Guru. Ask your Guru often if she/he needs help and do something to help her mission. Give or collect some donations, or bring some flowers or fruits for the altar. Any special presents that come from your heart are also a sweet way to strenghten your bond with your spiritual teacher and to get more of his thoughts and also more of his blessing.
- Avoid jealousy towards your Guru or other disciples. If you get jealous tell it to your Guru so to be purified and healed. Absolutely don’t start or collaborate in bullying attacks on anyone. This God hates.
- Avoid in engaging or in consuming prostitution, pornography, especially child or dirty and violent pornography, but also horror movies, and far too violent movies. Also avoid dark music and don’t go too often to clubs and spend less time with people that deviated from the path to Godhead. If you go then try to help them instead of becoming more like them.